Get in touch.

phone: +48 881 459 016

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Some of my projects

"Hedhog's dillema"

Sound design and sound mixing
Rewarded at Warsaw Film Festival and Short Shorts Film Festival Asia in Tokio.

"Sami Swoi. Początek"

Foleys and ADR


Boom operator

"Klara" (TV series)

Foleys recording and editing, M&E

"Porządny Człowiek" (TV series)

Foleys recording

"Krucjata" (TV series)

Dialogue editing

"Krzyk. Losing Control"

ADR recording, foley recording and editing, sound mix consulting


Foley & sfx editor

"Szósty Palec"

Sound mixing

"Dom pod Dwoma Orłami. Kłamstwa Zofii"

Ambience & sfx editing

"Teściowie" (series)

Dialogue editing, ambience & sfx editing

"Kiedy ślub" (series)

Foleys recording & editing

"Family Monster 2"

Polish dubbing recording & editing

"Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness"

Polish dubbing recording, editing and mixing

"Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank"

Polish dubbing recording, editing and mixing

phone: +48 881 459 016

© Copyright by Ignacy Żak, 2024.